As a Wonder Manager you use your energy to expand your awareness of wonders.
A Wonder Manager shapes his life saying: ” Life is wonderful!” A Wonder Manager particularly loves to seriously play with wonderment.
The Wonder Manager is using wonderment ever since you were born. Every day, he is amazed by the beauty and perfectness of many things he lays his eyes on. He enjoys the fact that all these beautiful things, people and events are there to connect with in appreciation. The Wonder Manager has a passion for magic, enchantment, wonders and simply loves looking at things as if he sees it for the first time, either drinking it in, or asking himself questions to achieve a better understanding of what he is looking at. He finds it a joy to challenge his abilities to wonder about everything he comes across, to enjoy right away, and/or to learn from. Being a Wonder Manager is fun. Being a Wonder Manager is instantly rewarding. Being a Wonder Manager is his life.
You can be a Wonder Manager
The fact that the Wonder Manager is practising wonderment ever since you were born is no coincidence. It’s because it’s a metaphor for YOU. You have this beautiful body, mind and soul to wander wherever you want, wonder about anything, literally and as a figure of speech. If you find life amazingly beautiful, full of wonderful opportunities and magic rewards and you feel happy and confident to explore with child’s eyes whatever you see, you are probably a Wonder Manager. But maybe you feel that your life is not wonderful as we speak? Do you feel ‘ stuck and stale’ .. life is ‘ puck and pale’ and you are not happy with it........? If the latter is the case and you feel attracted to being a Wonder Manager, then ask yourself this:“ Am I looking with the eyes of a child? Do I feel free to wonder and wander? “ If that is not yet the case... Do you feel, in this very moment reading these lines, restless movements in your diaphragm? Could it be that the Wonder Manager in you is , right as we speak, amazed by your true colours, wondering how your true colours can add a magical glow to the world? Do you feel he’s eager to share all the beauty he sees within you, wondering why you keep so much of this wonderful you hidden from the world. You can experience wonders in your life! All it takes is to appreciate and question things some more with child’s eyes. Are you worried:” My true colours are not wonderful!” or “ I am an adult! I don’t know how to look with child’s eyes to things!” ? Or are you slightly exited and curious:” Do you really think that I can learn to develop my wonderment and in doing so experience more wonders in my life too?” If a part of you is indeed curious and you want to look into it some more... take a deep breath, finish this sentence any way you like:” I wonder how.......” and you are making your first step as a Wonder Manager, in a conscious Energetic Sound Transaction. It may feel wobbly at first, but you can rest at any time you like. If you practise ‘ wonderment’ every day in the amount of time you like, you will increase your abilities to see with child’s eyes again and as a result, you will see more wonders in your life, everywhere. The wonders you see and share in this world will be more and more enchanting and other people will be pleased to watch, or will even join you in being a Wonder Manager. Being a Wonder Manager, making Energetic Sound Transactions, pays off in joy and happiness, wherever you decide to go. Would you like to play with the tools a Wonder Manager uses, every day?
The tools a Wonder Manager enjoys to play with:
Making Energetic Transactions always involves investing time and energy.
Making Sound Energetic Transactions always involves making a proper clear connection between two (or more) parties and making satisfying enjoyable arrangements on sharing the resources ‘ time and energy’.
Every person has a set of tools available to use, helpful ( when used wisely obviously) to help sorting out the transactions: to open up streams of energy and also to keep the energy flowing.
Tools you can use are for instance: your imagination, your intuition, wonderment, courage, playfulness and understanding.
The Wonder Manager has a preference to use every day the tool of ‘ wonderment’ . According to the Wonder Manager: “Life is wonderful!” He knows that all it takes is to observe and question the objects, people and events in his life, to experience the wonder of it all.
There are two important approaches you might like to use too:
What if?
I wonder how?
Wonderment suggestion 1: What if?
The Wonder Manager is always on the lookout for expanding his view on life, because he understands that he has more options to choose from, on a broader pallet. And he simply loves to find and experience/ try new things! An interesting starting point for experiencing new things is using:” What if...?” It is questioning the ‘ old’, ‘ the familiar’ , ‘ the comfortable’ , ‘ the known’. It is the formula where you switch your position slightly from how you used to look at it, to a somewhat different angle. The further you step away from the ‘ comfort zone’ with the ‘ what if’ , the more exciting/scary/ resenting/ curious vibes you may feel. It is energy knocking on an intriguing gate that has not been used for a while. A gate that has caught your eye and has a certain appeal to you (otherwise you wouldn’t even have seen the gate!) With ‘ what if’, you can toy with the idea of opening that gate and see what is behind it. Run some scenarios in your mind on what you imagine what would happen if you go through that gate. It can be a small thing that you put in the ‘what if’ routine. If you are painting and you always paint the sky blue and the trees green and brown.. you may all of a sudden wonder:” What if I painted the sky green and the trees blue?” A quick assessment of this gate-you-have-never-been-through-before may lead to the conclusion that you give it a go and the worst that can happen is that you have to throw away a piece of paper if you don’t like the result. In painting the sky green and the trees blue, you add to your palette the option to choose this. It can also be a large gate, that needs more time to consider actually going through. What about questions like:” What if......
...Money doesn’t matter?”
....I quit my job?”
.....My happiness is equally important as the happiness of others?”
.. I take a sabbatical year to write a book?”
....anything I need is there for me to enjoy?
One remark needs to be made. ‘ What if’ is opening the gate. By wondering ‘ what if.....’ you are investing energy in what’s behind it. Whatever is behind it, gets more powerful, because of the attention it gets. Any Wonder Manager uses the ‘what if’ tool on desired things, on things that make him smile, because he is keenly aware of the power of it. Running ‘ what if’ ..scenarios in your head on things you fear or dislike is programming your whole system with a focus on fear, pain and resentment. Even if there is no immediate reason in your current reality that is a threat to you, running the fear driven what ifs in your mind, will put your system on ‘ orange alert’ ..... and you will feel the tension and may even start seeing prove that what you fear is real. So, a Wonder Manager always checks his ‘ what if’ scenarios with the question:” Do I like that?” If the answer is ‘No, I don’t like that, actually I prefer.....’ then make the Energetically Sound Transaction with yourself. Say ‘ no’, mean ‘ no’ and do ‘ no’ by not running that what if scenario in your mind! Instead.. run the ‘ what if I lived with my preferred solution ...?’ There are other situations in which ‘ what if’ proofs a very powerful tool; situations where two ( often paradoxical) issues occur. Catch 22 situations.. stuck between a rock and a hard place.... seeing both sides of something and finding it hard to make up your mind for just one..... It is the wonderment:” What if they are both (not) valid?” ( Would I like that?) This ‘ what if’ usually gives ‘ room to breathe’, it opens you up on an energetic level to take a good look at the choices you have.
If picking just one option among many you like doesn’t feel good, then don’t pick just the one! If picking the least horrible solution from a given range doesn’t really suit you, then don’t!
All right, the question: ‘What if they are both valid/ possible?’ may leave you with some confusion for some time if you don’t immediately see how both can serve you at the same time. The same is probably true for thinking:’ What if they are good options available, beyond the few that I don’t like that seem to be the list of choices here... Then the next tools can prove to be useful.
Wonderment suggestion 2: I wonder how? The Wonder Manager has a magic formula where he invites new answers and solutions to find him. He uses this magic formula everywhere, in all kinds of situations, because it is so much fun to use it and see the results. The magic formula is:” I wonder how.....” and then he fills in on the dotted line what he is wondering about. It can be anything, great or small, down to earth ‘ realistic’ or super duper fantastic... I wonder how:
I can find a parking space
that dress looks on me
I can find my way back home
I can have that tool repaired
I can combine doing that task with going to that concert
I can listen to that radio station when I am abroad
I can be in a hot air balloon
Two things that appear a contradiction can be both valid at the same time
There can be more and better options to choose from than the current list I am presented with
The Wonder Manager knows and understands that with using this formula, he is opening up his mind to see possibilities. It is a positive invitation for solutions to find him, with an optimistic sense to it that whatever he ‘wonders’ about IS possible. Send = receive Be optimistic, open and interested in solutions and answers.. and you are opening the door for letting them in. They are already there.... your warm friendly invitation sends them on their way to you! The Wonder Manager is alert on how he expresses what is on his mind. If he finds himself using any of the following phrases, he actively reshapes them to the magical formula. He knows that on an energetic level, these formulas create barriers, shut doors and are separating him from the answers and the solutions he prefers. So he rephrases the sentence, If he hears himself say things like:
I don’t think I can....
I doubt it is possible to...
I don’t have....
I can’t be....
It can’t be that......
It will be very difficult to.....
Especially when he is saying this about things he actually does prefer to be there for him. For example. If he states:” I don’t have time for this, because I have to.....”, but his deepest wish is to have time for this, taking what he has committed himself to also into account he may want to rephrase: “ I wonder how I can do this, considering that I also want to.....” That is the magic formula to open up for creating an energetic sound transaction: I say and mean that I would like to invest time and energy in both things and I open up for the possibility that it’s possible to have it both. The first statement is heading straight into unsound territory, if you do desire what you say you don’t or can’t have: Say ‘ no’ , mean ‘ yes’ and do ‘ no’ . In stating ‘ I can’t’.. you are closing a door. In stating ‘ I wonder how’ .. you are opening one and curious about what’s behind it. Feel the difference in energy!