As a Day Dream Constructor you use your energy in your creative power of thought, the start of a Good Life. A Day Dream Constructor shapes his life knowing: ” I can dream a life and live the dream!”
A Day Dream Constructor particularly loves to seriously play with imagination.
The Day Dream Constructor is use his imagination ever since you were born. Every day, he pictures himself in a new desirable situation, just for the fun of exploring the possibility. And if he likes what he imagines, he uses his imagination to make the possibility real! The Day Dream Constructor has a passion for creating things in his mind. He finds it a joy to challenge his abilities to picture whatever he desires and relate to it with his whole being.
Being a Day Dream Constructor is fun. Being a Day Dream Constructor is instantly rewarding. Being a Day Dream Constructor is his life.
You can be a Day Dream Constructor
The fact that the Day Dream Constructor is exercising his imagination ever since you were born is no coincidence. It’s because it’s a metaphor for YOU. You have this beautiful body, mind and soul to move wherever you imagine, however you picture it, literally and as a figure of speech. If you find life amazingly beautiful, full of opportunities and rewarding and you feel happy and confident, you are probably a Day Dream Constructor. But maybe you feel that your life is uninspiring and no matter what you dream..... it is still following the same pattern, day in day out? Do you feel ‘ stuck and stale’ and you are not happy with it........? If the latter is the case and you feel attracted to being a Day Dream Constructor, then ask yourself this:“ Am I really using my imagination? Do I believe that whatever I imagine, I can experience? “ If that is not yet the case... Do you feel, in this very moment reading these lines, restless movements in your diaphragm? Could it be that the Day Dream Constructor in you is , right as we speak, showing you pictures of the dreams you have, deep within? Do you feel he’s eager to introduce you to the fine art of creating the experience out of your imagination, so you’ll enjoy anything you imagine freely and happily? You can enjoy the Good Things in your life! All it takes is imagine it to be real. Are you worried:” What is in my mind is not real?” or “ I have no imagination!” ? Or are you slightly exited and curious:” Do you really think that I can learn to train my imagination to be the creative source of all my experiences, to enjoy whatever I want to experience too?” If a part of you is indeed curious and you want to look into it some more... take a deep breath, close your eyes and picture yourself in a nice situation. Where are you? What are you wearing? Who is with you? What are you doing? How does it smell? How does it taste? When you open your eyes and start reading again.. know that you have just created your first imagination as a Day Dream Constructor, in a conscious Energetic Sound Transaction. It may feel wobbly at first, using your imagination, but you can rest at any time you like. If you practise ‘ day dreaming’ every day the amount of time you like, you will increase your abilities to use your imagination to experience what you want. What you imagine will be more and more enchanting and other people will be pleased to be a part of what you imagine. They may even join you in being a Day Dream Constructor. Being a Day Dream Constructor, making Energetic Sound Transactions, pays off in joy and happiness, wherever you decide to go. Would you like to play with the tools a Day Dream Constructor uses, every day?
The tools a Day Dream Constructor seriously plays with
Making Energetic Transactions always involves investing time and energy.
Making Sound Energetic Transactions always involves making a proper clear connection between two (or more) parties and making satisfying enjoyable arrangements on sharing the resources ‘ time and energy’.
Every person has a set of tools available to use, helpful ( when used wisely obviously) to help sorting out the transactions: to open up streams of energy and also to keep the energy flowing.
Tools you can use are for instance: your imagination, your intuition, wonderment, courage, playfulness and understanding.
The Day Dream Constructor has a preference to use every day the tool of ‘ imagination’ . According to the Day Dream Constructor: “I can dream a life and live the dream!” He knows that all it takes is to visualize in his mind what he desires and experience it as real. There are two important approaches you might like to use too:
Vision board
The holiday in every day
Imagination suggestion 1: vision board
A Day Dream Constructor is very fond of creating vision boards. He understands that he can day dream, picturing whatever he likes ( meaning:” I like to experience this”) and even express it (saying” I really like experiencing this”) , but the Energetically Sound Transaction is not completed if he doesn’t also act upon his desires. acknowledging that he needs to put in energy in the creating process as well, if he wants to really see it happen. So, he explores his desires in detail.. how does it look, feel, smell? By the time he has a feel for it, he Constructs his Day Dream, in a ‘ mock up’ . It can be a 1D-image, writing down in text what it is he really desires and pictures. It can be a 2D-image, with pictures from magazines or images from the internet, or a drawing. It can be a 3D-model, in any size, form or shape you like. Even in experiencing what you envision on a small scale, by renting it, borrowing it...... Some people say that this is enough, to get the creation process moving and you will receive whatever you Constructed as a model, in reality. Personally, I feel that this starts a Creation Process in which you still play an active part. In the Creation Process, you will be presented with opportunities. But it’s up to you if you recognize them as such and if you chose to make Energetic Sound Transactions with them. If you say:” I would like to drive a Ferrari” and mean:” I would like to drive a Ferrari” but you decline the opportunity when a friend wins a voucher to rent one for a day and asks you to join him...... Be specific in what you wish for, be consequent and focussed and follow the trail of opportunities to make Energetic Sound Transactions in the desired direction.
Imagination suggestion 2: the holiday in every day When the Day Dream Constructor finds himself being tired of his actual reality and he doesn’t see the fun in it, he very often thinks:”I need a break from this!”. He may even feel the desire:” I need to go on a holiday!” As a seriously playful Day Dream Constructor, he recognizing this a signal that he isn’t happy with the Transactions he is in, at the moment and so he needs to ‘ do something else’ . In his desire to make Energetic Sound Transactions, with himself, he acts upon this signal. What is it he says he needs? A break! A holiday! Many people slam this thought on the head saying:” I can’t have a break right now! And my holiday is still far away. Pfff... It’s pity but I shall just have to struggle on!” In doing so, they overlook the opportunity to make an Energetically Sound Transaction with themselves. Denying themselves something that is indicated as a need: take a break! But the Day Dream Constructor listens and Constructs a way to live the dream, using his imagination. Of course he can figure out a way to stop doing what he is doing that isn’t pleasing him.
He may see the possibility to physically step out of the situation to go to the loo or outside for a few minutes. If that doesn’t seem possible ‘ right away’ ( and look closely, because the obstacle to do so may exist only in your own mind as an assumption!!), he can see when in this day(!) he shall have his desired break! When the time is there to have the break, whether it’s the next moment or later that day, he completes the Energetically Sound Transaction right there, by having, in his imagination, all the details of his desire. He takes himself somewhere quiet, where he doesn’t get disturbed and is comfortable and tell himself that within the next XX minutes, he experiences the break or holiday he needs. From beginning to end, he decides where he wants to go, how he wants to go there, with whom, what he experiences there and how refreshed he will return from it. In actively allowing himself to experience the break he needs, in that Day, he releases a whole lot of tension. The calmer state, big smile and new energy for the next task are the rewards of giving yourself what you need: a break, a holiday. A Day Dream Constructor likes this effect so much.. he does it every day. Sometimes a city trip for 5 minutes, sometimes a holiday in half an hour, or a complete life makeover in 1 hour. It’s free , liberating and empowering. Reason being? It’s a very powerful Energetically Sound Transaction with yourself! You say, mean and do:” I need to disconnect from what I am doing and look into my deepest desires. It’ s important to me, so I do it Right Now ( when feasible) but in any case: Today!”