As an Agent in Life Sustenance you use your energy to achieve what you really desire.
An Agent in Life Sustenance shapes his life knowing: ” Saying what you really need is the best way to get what you desire”
An Agent in Life Sustenance particularly loves to seriously play with Desire.
The Agent in Life Sustenance is practising his work ever since you were born. Every day, he practises keeping a close eye on his needs and desires in every moment. What is it that I really need right now and what do I desire for the future? The Agent in Life Sustenance has a passion for providing and receiving what he really needs in life and he loves experimenting with ways to express his desires. He enjoys how solutions seem to find him, when he is clear about what he truly desires. He finds it this whole process a joy.
Being an Agent in Life Sustenance is fun. Being an Agent in Life Sustenance is instantly rewarding. Being an Agent in Life Sustenance is his life. It may sound all ‘ me-me-me’ , to keep a close eye on his (ever changing) needs and desires. But that doesn’t mean an Agent in Life Sustenance is Egotistical! He does this because he knows he is the only person in the world who can know the details of his needs and desires. He is also the only person in the world who feels the satisfaction, when he receives what he needed. It it HIS life, so who else should be in charge of it? However, being an Agent in Life Sustenance means also acknowledging that other people are in charge of their life, too. So he expresses his needs and desires, as clearly as he can, but he doesn’t impose them on other people. He doesn’t take what isn’t his to have. The Agent in Life Sustenance keeps an eye on all his needs and desires, coming from his body, mind and soul. He knows that after fulfilling one need, another need surfaces. Several needs and desires are usually present at the same time. Do they never conflict? It may seem that way, at first. But the Agent with experience will know that when he calmly takes all his needs and desires seriously into account, look into them individually and in relation to each other where they seem to conflict....and expresses the need to find a solution that supports all these needs.....he will pave his ways with fulfilment.
Not only for himself, but also for the people around him. Because in being clear and open about what he needs ( what he needs to give just as much as what he is on the lookout to find) he is clear to others too. They know what would really please him and can decide if they would be happy giving it. They know what he has desires to offer and can decide if that suits their needs.
You can be an Agent in Life Sustenance
The fact that the Agent in Life Sustenance is monitoring his needs and desires ever since you were born is no coincidence. It’s because it’s a metaphor for YOU. Your beautiful body, mind and soul all have needs to be used, expressed, fulfilled, nourished, expanded.....
If you find life amazingly beautiful, full of opportunities and rewarding and you feel happy and confident about the steps you take, you are probably an Agent in Life Sustenance. But maybe you feel that your life is not moving anywhere, or constantly in the same pattern to the same tune? Do you feel ‘ stuck and stale’ and you are not happy with it........? If the latter is the case and you feel attracted to being an Agent in Life Sustenance, then ask yourself this:“ Am I aware of what I need? Do I feel I can express what I desire? “ If that is not yet the case... Do you feel, in this very moment reading these lines, restless movements in your diaphragm? Could it be that the Agent in Life Sustenance in you is , right as we speak, opening his mouth to express the need to try this, eager to play with the desire to have what he really needs freely and happily? You can support your own life sustenance! All it takes is just start taking your desires serious and play with them. Are you worried:” I don’t think I can have what I need!” or “ I don’t know how to express what I need!” or “ I don’t know what I desire!”? Or are you slightly exited and curious:” Do you really think that I can learn to express and have what I deeply desire, freely and happily, too?” If a part of you is indeed curious and you want to look into it some more... take a deep breath, express the desire:” I like to have whatever it is that I really need” and you are engaging in making your first steps with conscious Energetic Sound Transactions as an Agent in Life Sustenance. It may feel wobbly at first, but you can rest at any time you like. If you practise every day the amount of time you like, you will increase your abilities to express your desires in freedom and enjoy the results on any moment. The way you express yourself in this world will be more and more enchanting and other people will be pleased to watch it, or will even join you in being an Agent in Life Sustenance. Being an Agent in Life Sustenance, making Energetic Sound Transactions, pays off in joy and happiness, wherever you decide to go. Would you like to play with the tools an Agent in Life Sustenance uses, every day?
The tools an Agent in Life Sustenance seriously plays with
Making Energetic Transactions always involves investing time and energy.
Making Sound Energetic Transactions always involves making a proper clear connection between two (or more) parties and making satisfying enjoyable arrangements on sharing the resources ‘ time and energy’.
Every person has a set of tools available to use, helpful ( when used wisely obviously) to help sorting out the transactions: to open up streams of energy and also to keep the energy flowing.
Tools you can use are for instance: your imagination, your intuition, wonderment, courage, playfulness and understanding.
The Agent in Life Sustenance has a preference to use every day the tool of ‘ Desire’ . According to the Agent in Life Sustenance: “Saying what you really need is the best way to get what you desire.” He knows that all it takes is expressing what you need. There are two important approaches you might like to use too:
Express your desires
Solutions will find me
Desire suggestion 1: Express your desires The Agent in Life Sustenance monitors his desires (and needs) carefully. In that way, he gains clarity on what he really and truly wants. Obviously that helps him recognizing opportunities to get it. But he doesn’t stop there. He knows that there is an enormous power in expressing his needs and desires out loud. If he expresses this out loud, the first person who receives the messages is.... himself. In listening to his own desires, he literally hears it from another side than just from within and that may help to shape and polish the desires some more. How does it sound when he hears it? What does he feel when he hears himself saying it? Does it really describe what he wants? Or is there something in this way of putting it that doesn’t sit well with him, completely? But he also knows that there is power in it when other people hear it as well. In expressing what he desires, people can relate to his real desires. They don’t have to guess, make assumptions or jump to conclusions.. it is clear to them. It’s a real open invitation for them to respond to it. Maybe they have suggestions to get there? Maybe they would like to offer you something to achieve it? Maybe they don’t want to have anything to do with it. If you know you want to eat a pizza with tuna on it in a restaurant on Friday at 19.00, but the pizza oven is not warm yet at 19.00, or they don’t serve tuna or are having a day off... then it saves a lot of hassle and time and frustration if everybody is aware that the real desire can’t be met. Enough time to find another restaurant who can and enjoy the desired tuna pizza at 19.00 on Friday!
Desire suggestion 2: Solutions will find me The Agent in Life Sustenance is also aware that trying to ‘ make things happen’ usually doesn’t work. In trying to make something happen, there is an undercurrent of having doubt that it will succeed. So that means :” say ‘ yes’ , mean ‘ I am not sure’ and do’ yes’ , with a lot of tension on the process. He remembers using constructions like:” I am trying to keep him happy by doing......” or “ I’ll try better next time” leaving him always with a sense of disappointment. He knows now, that whenever he may be tempted to ‘ try to make something happen’ , to use some extra force when something is not cooperating to his taste, to step back mentally. When people ask how he does that he replies:” I am aware that solutions will find me.” That doesn’t mean that he does nothing to move forward to things he desires. No, it simply means that he is aware that he can’t force anything to happen. If he chooses from the solutions that find him, however, he has choices he simply can accept or decline, rather than ‘create’ out of thin air. Of course he then needs to invest time and energy in the chosen solution. But since it is already within reach, it’s so much easier.. then trying to grasp something that is not already present. Yes, it may take some creativity, at times to really see the options that he has, right now, to chose from. It may take a certain amount of faith that whatever he needs will find him, in the right time and that he can stay calm and open for seeing it. What helps to train these tool, is discuss with friends all the ‘ coincidents’ that occurred in their lives just when they needed something. Somebody had to leave his leaking house after months of disputes with the not-responding landlord..... and found a new and even better place to live? Somebody was fired from his nasty job he tried to make the best of... but that marked the start of his own successful business? A couple desires to get pregnant.. tried everything without success and the minute they stop trying.... The list of these stories is endless, for a good reason. If you stop ‘ trying’ and ‘ making things happen’ .... you release the tension on not having what you desire.. and the energy starts flowing again.