As an Abundancer you use your energy to move gracefully through a world of abundance. An Abundancer shapes his life knowing: ”There is abundance; so whatever I need is there for me to enjoy.”
An Abundancer particularly loves to seriously play with flexibility.
The Abundance is practising his body and mind moves ever since you were born. Every day, he practises: switching his position, moving in different directions, using different speeds, jumping high, staying low, turning and bending, having fun with improvising on any music he comes across. He moves how he wants and where he wants on the music he likes. Sometimes alone, happy in his own world, very often with others, fine tuning the moves to match each other’s skills. The Abundancer has a passion for movement and loves experimenting with new steps and choreographies. He finds it a joy to challenge his abilities to have more choice in his movement repertoire . Abundancing is fun. Abundancing is instantly rewarding. Abundancing is his life.
He doesn’t want to fall, he doesn’t want to hurt himself badly, so he moves and changes in a fluid flexible way, mentally and with his body. Normal dancing has many similarities with ordinary walking. Walking is moving forward, from the left foot to the right in a certain steady rhythm towards a certain point of interest. In dancing, there is also a rhythm in which left and right foot carry the weight, but variations are added and the focus is shifting from ‘moving to get somewhere else’ , to moving to experience and express something good right where you are’ . Where walking can be usually be done on ‘autopilot’ , dancing needs more attention to the activity itself. It involves the whole dancer, his body and mind need to fully cooperate and concentrate when he is doing complicated moves, that involve jumping and rotating at the same time, gracefully, for instance. In the same way dancing relates to walking, abundancing relates to existing. With adding more variations so the basics of existing, with paying more attention to the various activities in everyday life, existing evolves into feeling alive.
You can be an Abundancer
The fact that the Abundancer is practising his moves ever since you were born is no coincidence. It’s because it’s a metaphor for YOU. You have this beautiful body and mind to move wherever you want, however you want, literally and as a figure of speech. If you find life amazingly beautiful, full of opportunities and rewarding and you feel happy and confident about the steps you take, you are probably an Abundancer. But maybe you feel that your life is not moving anywhere, or constantly in the same pattern to the same tune? Do you feel ‘ stuck and stale’ and you are not happy with it........? If the latter is the case and you feel attracted to being an Abundancer, then ask yourself this:“ Am I choosing my own moves? Do I feel I can move freely and happily to any tune I hear? “ If that is not yet the case... Do you feel, in this very moment reading these lines, restless movements in your diaphragm? Could it be that the Abundancer in you is , right as we speak, stretching his legs and arms, warming up, eager to move freely and happily? You can move freely and happily through your life! All it takes is just start moving. Are you worried:” I can’t dance?” or “ I don’t know any steps?” or “ My body is hurting if I do such a thing?” Or are you slightly exited and curious:” Do you really think that I can learn to move freely and happily too?” If a part of you is indeed curious and you want to look into it some more... take a deep breath, count to 4 and start moving, by making your first steps with Energetic Sound Transactions. It may feel wobbly at first, but you can rest at any time you like. If you practise every day the amount of time you like, you will increase your abilities to move in freedom and improvise on any music of your choice. The dance moves you perform in this world will be more and more enchanting and other people will be pleased to watch it, or will even join you, Abundancing. Being an Abundancer, making Energetic Sound Transactions, pays off in joy and happiness, wherever you decide to go. Would you like to play with the tools an Abundancer uses, every day?
The tool an Abundancer seriously plays with
Making Energetic Transactions always involves investing time and energy.
Making Sound Energetic Transactions always involves making a proper clear connection between two (or more) parties and making satisfying enjoyable arrangements on sharing the resources ‘ time and energy’.
Every person has a set of tools available to use, helpful ( when used wisely obviously) to help sorting out the transactions: to open up streams of energy and also to keep the energy flowing.
Tools you can use are for instance: your imagination, your intuition, wonderment, courage, playfulness and understanding.
The Abundancer has a preference to use every day the tool of ‘ flexibility’ . According to the Abundancer: “There is abundance, whatever I need, is there for me to enjoy.” He knows that all it takes is flexibility to move, to see it and to enjoy it. There are two important approaches you might like to use too:
Lubricating the process
Vivid balance: begin at the end
Flexibility suggestion 1: lubricate the process
Sometimes an Abundancer experiences an obstacle, either within his body or mind or in the world around him. If he doesn’t immediately know where he wants to go and how.....he uses ‘ abundancing’ to solve the problem. He positions himself on the mental position that there is abundance, all he needs is the flexibility to see the direction of the solution and move there. He knows that if he ‘ stands still’ , he has just one static view available... which isn’t the desired abundance to chose from and even worse... seems to contain an obstacle! So, he simply starts to move, literally lubricating his own thought process, by adding movement to it. Like a dancer needs warming up before he does complicated moves, the Abundancer slowly warms up the whole process, starting with his body. Just moving his weight from the left foot to the right, or swaying his body forward and back, invites the energy to start flowing, to help him clear the blockage and solve the problem. This simple body movement is relaxing the muscles and the mind. This ‘ lubrication’ usually helps clarifying the real position and shape of a problem that beforehand seemed to be large, heavy and all around. When the obstacle has become lighter and clearer en you know what it is ( roughly) about, then an Abundancer adds changing ‘directions’ into the mix. He uses his body movements to guide his mind that he has a desire to see the problem from different angles. Preferably outside in a field or on a square or in a room with the freedom to move in any direction, he starts to walk slowly and he regularly changes direction. The Abundancer just keeps on moving, follow any desire to change direction in walking, relaxes into his thought and feeling process as much as possible with the topic loosely in his mind. He trusts that in flowing energy, there is an abundance of directions and possibilities and it will come to him. At some point in time, this will allow him to see the desired different angles. Presenting him with solutions to deal with the blockage. He will know now where he wants to go and how he wants to move there. There will be at least one appealing possibility, but probably many more. The Abundancer says ‘ yes’ to the one he likes best (means ‘yes’) and he will happily act upon it ( do ‘ yes’). Another Energetically Sound Transaction is made, to his satisfaction and he abundances on.
Flexibility suggestion 2: vivid balance, begin at the end
Abundancing, like dancing, has to do with finding balance and have fun with it. One way of finding balance is ‘ standing completely still’. This static form of balance is not lively and most people don’t enjoy it for a long time and get ‘ itchy’ to make a change. Any Abundancer knows that in order to get somewhere else, see something else, experience something else..... movement and change in a nice rhythm are the keys to add more fun and flavour to life. So, the Abundancer is constantly aware of movement and change and uses it, plays with it, welcomes it as the new beat to express himself on. One of the exercises he likes doing in his improvisations is ‘ begin at the end’ . In making Energetic Sound Transactions, any signal of ‘ tension’ of ‘ not being at ease’ sees the Abundancer as a valuable chance to improve and express something. You can ‘ run’ or you can ‘ hide’ from it (which can be fun at times), but you can also chose to abundance with it. How to abundance with something you don’t really enjoy to experience? Ask this issue to abundance with you. Like a ballroom dancer invites his partner for a dance, invite the ‘ nasty feeling’ to the dance floor. Take it gently , kindly, lovingly, but also with the determination to dance together by the hand. The issue is probably scared to begin and you can break the ice by proposing‘ let’s begin at the end’ . By inquiring after the ‘ end’.. you are not doing things in reverse ( although that may be fun too). What you do is looking for the moment in time and the place where the energy stopped flowing freely. What happened there? What thought came up? Something occurred that closed a gate in your energy household. There, at the end of where the energy flowed freely, is the blockage. Changes are at this point, you made an Energetic Unsound Transaction. Did you say or do something that didn’t match your true position on the matter? Did you move yourself ‘ stuck’ in a corner where you don’t like to be ( anymore)? There is nothing ‘ wrong’ with that, there is a free choice of what you want to do or say. But the Abundancer likes to identify the ‘ the end’ of free flowing energy, so he can there start to use his flexibility to mentally move to another position. He acknowledges this ‘end’ to be a new beginning where he himself can actively invite the energy to flow again. Leading ‘ the issue’ flexible, smoothly and trusting into a ‘ heal turn’ in the corner of the dance floor.. all of a sudden there really is abundance of possibilities to move in a new direction!